This Adidas Sneaker for the MLS All-Star Game Will Release in Less Than a Month From the Day It Was Designed

Made for Atlanta. Made by Atlanta. And even made in Atlanta. That’s the story behind this new Adidas sneaker created to celebrate the upcoming Major League Soccer All-Star Game, hosted by Georgia’s capital city.

Built at the brand’s innovative SpeedFactory, a state-of-the-art robotic manufacturing facility located in Atlanta, the Adidas Made for MLS (AM4MLS) running shoe was designed by local creatives, rapper Rich the Kid and artist Travis Love, as well as MLS pro Darlington Nagbe, who was chosen for the All-Star Game on August 1.

The brand describes the AM4MLS sneaker as “a limited edition SpeedFactory concept brought to life showcasing the creativity and innovation that sits at the core of Adidas and at the heart of Atlanta by using local creators at the intersection of sport, art and music.”

Adidas AM4MLS
(L-R): Rich the Kid, Travis Love, an Adidas employee and Darlington Nagbe in the design session for the Adidas AM4MLS.
CREDIT: Adidas

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The three creators met up on July 11 to design the shoe at the Speedfactory. The final product features an eye-catching black and red colorway with an intertwining pattern taken from Love’s art installations that appear around the city, representing the unity and interactions within Atlanta’s diverse community. The shoe laces add some shine with gold flecks, while a heart is featured on each heel patch.

Adidas AM4MLS
Detail of the Adidas AM4MLS.
CREDIT: Adidas

The shoe will also have an embedded NFC chip that enables the owner to access a Spotify playlist curated by Rich the Kid.

Adidas stated that the shoe went into production on July 23 and will then be sold just five days later, illustrating the efficiency of the Speedfactory. The launch of the shoe on July 28 will be available only at local sneaker boutique Wish Atlanta. This exclusive in-store release will be followed by preorder availability on on July 29.

Adidas AM4MLS
On-foot look at the Adidas AM4MLS.
CREDIT: Adidas

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