Watch Chloe Gosselin & David Copperfield Behind the Scenes on-Set With FN

“Famous for being famous has a short life,” said David Copperfield. And the illusionist is far from that, having accomplished a long list of career milestones, including a run of award-winning television specials that began in the late ’70s and now an impressive residency in Las Vegas.

“There are so many who come and go, and I last because everything is important [to me] through and through,” he told FN while on set at his magic museum in Las Vegas.

Copperfield’s tips for success, which he also tries to impress upon his partner Chloe Gosselin, involve listening and learning.

He said, “Stay a sponge. When you are satisfied, [that’s when] the end is near.”

Copperfield explained that in order to last and make an impact on people, whatever it is, it has to be authentic. “It’s finding the soul and the heart of [what you do], communicating it and believing in it,” he said.

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In the end, Copperfield added, his show isn’t really about magic acts; it’s about evoking emotions through storytelling and making people feel good.

“Stay true [to yourself],” he advised.

“For Chloe’s business, it’s about [making women] feel strong [and] that they can go forth and do great things. It’s the exact same thing in my world. It’s not any different.”

Watch a behind-the-scenes video featuring the power couple on set below.

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