Farfetch’s Buying and Merchandising Director Talks How Women Can Help Women at Work

Each day in June, FN is highlighting female forces in the industry as part of our Women in Power series.

Throughout her career, Candice Fragis has been fortunate to work alongside many strong-minded women who have inspired and guided her. But the Farfetch buying and merchandising director believes women can do a lot more to help one another in a fiercely competitive industry. Here, the e-tail exec shares her insights.

What was the biggest breakthrough moment in your career?
“Joining Farfetch. Being part of a business that was so revolutionary and led by such an innovative founder [José Neves] was not only the best experience but also the most inspiring for me.”

Is there anything you would have done differently?
“Not panicking about progressing forward faster as much as I used to and just enjoying the ride more.”

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Do you think women do enough to support other women in the workplace?
“I have been fortunate to have worked for incredibly strong-minded, independent women who have not only supported me but led by example by having other women in executive roles. Having said that, I think there is definitely room to be more supportive toward each other. In the past, I’ve been part of progressive women’s groups, which are great for support and sharing experiences, and there is so much opportunity for more of that.”

What is the biggest challenge you faced in the last year, and how did you overcome it?
“The urgency to grow my team and the challenge of finding the right people. While trying to do my day job and lead an existing team, it took a lot of willpower not to just hire for the sake of getting it done. Waiting and seeking out the right person for the job takes time and patience, but it paid off in the end, and I now have the greatest team.”

Looking back, what advice would you give to your younger self?
“Keep calm and carry on. Money does not matter and should not lead your next steps — the experience and the people you meet along the way do. So trust the journey and always follow your intuition. If it’s not right, turn a corner, but keep going and be kind. People always remember.”

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