Manolo Blahnik Reminisces About Making Milkshakes With Martha Stewart: ‘We Laughed and Laughed’

Manolo Blahnik said he’s always been “so impressed” by Martha Stewart — and when the designer was a guest on her namesake TV show back in 2010, the legends shared lots of laughs while making milkshakes.

“I was incredibly nervous at first, but she put me at ease immediately,” said Blahnik, a lover of all things Americana. “She was fun, easygoing and just so professional, while being totally charming.”

In true Manolo fashion, he said he got a little carried away when tasting the ice cream. “I couldn’t stop eating it, and we just laughed and laughed,” he said.

In FN’s cover story this week, Stewart said Blahnik has always topped her list of must-have shoes, and she also has other vivid footwear memories.

“I loved Susan Bennis and Warren Edwards. They made amazing alligator pumps,” she said, lamenting that the shoes no longer fit, a side effect from years of yoga. “I can’t wear them anymore. But I can still fit into my Manolos. He’s always been my favorite shoe designer.”

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The former model, who walked the Paris runways as a teenager said she always loved well-made clothes.

“My attic is chock full of rack after rack of clothing,” she admitted. “I have my first Armani suit that I bought when I started my own company, and some beautiful Armani blouses.”

As her public persona grew, Stewart smartly used her style to convey her image as a polished businesswoman — long before the era of stealth wealth.

“I’ve always been quietly fashionable in a modest way,” she said, easily recalling what she wore on her earliest book covers.

“For ‘Entertaining,’ it was a vintage dress, and I think the first five covers of my cookbooks were Laura Ashley. She was still alive then,” Stewart recalled.

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